Sunday, September 17, 2006

a shout out to the following things:

1. To SoCo Housewarming Punch: 1 liter SoCo, 1 can frozen OJ con, 1 can frozen limeade con, Sprite, thin lime wedges. Drink forty-seven cups in two hours.

2. To the table of three extremely hungover dudes in hoodies, whom I immediately, and in my most cheerful voice, offered a Perfect margarita or a "big ol' beer," and whose resulting expressions of nausea made me laugh.

3. To Bob Dylan, who is forgiven for his Victoria Secret's commercial indiscretions every time I listen to Blood on the Tracks.

4. To blogs and me, who are friends again, and living Brooklyn-Japan-feral-kitten-drama vicariously via le Internet.

5. To the town of LeSuer and bright fall Sunday evenings and discovered parks, where the dog is free to jump at sticks.


  1. That is the best picture of a sproing-y dog ever. He looks like a white fuzzball with ears. Which he kind of is.

  2. I know... I love his little fur legs and how they appear to all be at the same level. SPROING! SPROING.
