Monday, July 16, 2007

to do, monday


1. reserve 17' U-Haul
2. debate what pants to wear to upcoming job interview
3. clear 30 beer bottles off backyard picnic table while in clear view on little American Indian neighbor kids, who jump all day on their trampoline singing "WE WILL, WE WILL... [indistinguishable, but not quite "ROCK YOU"]" while their family members deal drugs inside
4. open windows and listen to a light summer rain while writing
5. recall favorite moment of last night, during which we took over Duttler's karoke, Boots taught me how to play Big Buck Hunter, Darren sang a Johnny Rotten-esque cover of "Every Breath You Take," Liz sang her breathy-soft version of "Boys in the Hood", and the B sang "Dancin' with Myself" while ... dancing by himself
6. upload photos of the last week, including Ru being birthed by the Happy Chef



    Beh? Meh? Buh? Suh?

  2. It's in Madison... so I am closing the restaurant tonight, waking up at 6:00 to drive out there, interviewing for three hours (it's for a copywriter position), and driving back! Yes! Don't you just love being twenty-six and all caught up in the middle of shit?

    The "painter" primed the walls last Friday and has not been back since. But, bonus: he also got to spackle over the giant holes we left for him!

  3. good luck, kid! copywriter jobs kick ass.

    I'd go applebee's pants that have the hole in the crotch. They show that you have a lot to offer. That you're serious, yet know how to have a little fun. That you keep the important parts covered, but if needed, you're seconds away from showing them what you've got.

    And make sure the summer rocks! briefs are underneath. You know, cause it's summer, and because it rocks.

    I have a feeling the walls just might stay primed. Again, if I was there, I'd repaint them red, so he'd come back and be like: what the fuck. Too bad you didn't get to hide anything in the walls before he respackled them!

    I hope they put up another border.

  4. Good luck! You're on your way to Madison right now, and I'm here leering at silly teenage drivers. And while that's a grand time and all....I'd rather be on the way to Madison with you. Because both you and Madison rock. Yea verily.

    We need to hang out soon.

  5. It's a little late, but: wishing you major luck on the job interview.
