Sunday, August 12, 2007

11:50 am

Me: Friend, aren't your mid-twenties weird? Like, how many more times do you think you'll call me on a Sunday morning to see if I know our other friend's apartment number because you're up in the Cities, driving around after being kicked out of a friend's apartment, having just stopped to use a Home Depot toilet, and desperately in need of a place to shower? I mean, it's like, treasure these years, but maybe hope there aren't too many more of them?

Friend: Exactly.


Dear whoever is reading this, I am officially recruiting you to participate in this. Flip your poet switch from "good" to "shite" and get on it!


  1. Well, I just got home from church and breakfast. My phone was here, and when I got home there were 6 missed calls on my phone.

    I know it's two hours later, but next time Chad calls you to find out where I live, you can go ahead and tell him it's #310. Of course, I'll only be living here for a couple more weeks. :)

  2. Where to begin....When Chad called to tell me his harrowing tale, I laughed my ass off. (Especially considering the LAST time he had bathroom difficulties in public---I STILL laugh to myself everytime I see a box of crayons---and I'm an art teacher, so I laugh to myself a LOT) I burst out laughing when I saw the photo and caption that serve as the heading for this post. (Poor Chad...thank God he's not too terribly self-conscious) And then when I read Jean's response...well, Chad knows why I burst out laughing all over again. oh God, my stomach hurts, I gotta go lie down and stop looking at things that make me laugh.
