Monday, November 12, 2007

it's monday, so maybe you should

* buy me this journal
* make me polenta
* take me roadtrippin'
* go for squash curry right around the corner
* send Kayne a sympathy card
* take a nighttime drive through St. Louis
* drop $1.69 and live vicariously through Ruth
* quit creeping me out with this picture on Post Secret in which I would swear that's my handwriting on the CD (in blue, not black)
* straighten out the rocket man
* blame Stanley for spreading trypanosomiasis across Africa
* be able figure out from this that I spent a lot of time today surfing the Web and "researching"

1 comment:

  1. the poem is exactly what it is like to cross the ole Mississip into St. Louis in the dark.

    It's because you can see the arch from the bridge!
