Sunday, November 1, 2009

buttoning up

Another week without word from the editor. Another Saturday in bed, watching stupid movies.

Outside the window, the maple tree has lost its leaves. Weak sunlight. No snow yet. Our neighbors can't figure out how to close the front door without slamming it.

I keep forgetting that if I assign homework, I have to grade homework.

I only cried once.

I fly out to Minnesota in T-minus three weeks. Today I made little buttons to hand out in lieu of books. Some have lobsters, some have Truman. Both are, quite obviously, BICHN.


  1. Truman is always cute, but the lobster button is the shit.

    What did you think of "Where the Wild Things Are"? I've been afraid to see it because: 1. Someone might have fucked up a treasured piece of my childhood. and 2. I don't want to weep in public.

  2. Thank you! I am actually fond of the lobster, even though only 1/13 of one poem has anything to do with lobsters.

    I liked the movie; I understand all the reviews swirling around that lament the angst-y moody adaptation, but it was exactly what I wanted to see on the first afternoon of daylight savings time. And I was one of those folks who loved the book as a child, and I was okay with how it played out on the screen.

    You won't weep. You'll just tear up at the end.

  3. I vote for Truman. In the picture he looks like he's saying, "Well, let me tell you about long before... I came home naked, you see, and..."

    And then he continues on with his long yarn. Is it "yarn?" Is that what they say? Whatever. That dog is itching to tell a story.

  4. How come it took me this long to realize that your title acronym says "bitchin'"? Or did I realize it so long ago that I had forgotten by now?

    I, too, am trepidatious about viewing WTWTA. I will probably cry. Shamelessly? We'll see.
