Not green for the upcoming holiday o' drinking (
side note: yesterday the B and I were discussing how mad people would get should any other holiday be so thoroughly reduced to a two-night drinking binge featuring dyed beer. "Can you imagine," I said, "what people would do if we decided to make Easter some huge beer fest? Like, if you could go out and order an Easter Basket special, featuring beers in pink and purple and blue, with Peeps floating on the bottom?"
"Forget Easter," said the B, "what about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day?").
I leave the dark beer jokes to you. ANYWAY. Not green because suddenly this blog brings in cash money. But green because it's spring. And I already rearranged the living room. And I'm thinking about buying more potted plants. And because change is nice.
Green is it, then. Here are some tulips for you.
What can I tell you? It's a hexidecimal #ccff66 sort of day.