Monday, April 19, 2010

that's a shame about alex

For those of you keeping track at home, yesterday was much improved. I slapped some grades on some papers, ate a bagel, and headed out with the dog on a Sunday photo hunt. Per usual, we were accosted by girls in flats, who squealed at the sight of him with his spiffy haircut, and asked for change by guys claiming they wanted to buy a coney. The sun cooperated somewhat, and the river smelled like a river, and the dogwood was in bloom.

Then I came home and organized photos while listening to the new Josh Ritter single on repeat. That song is pretty much the most gorgeous thing I've ever heard. You need to download it now. You needed to download it yesterday.

Keep your eyes peeled* for some stinky trout, those redunkulous table and chairs, and--why not--a mushroom man with melting boobs. Ah, art!

*ewwwwww, ouch


  1. I can't stop listening to that song this morning.

  2. God, I know. I have heard it eight hundred times. It's so soothing! and melancholy! and happy! all at the same time!
