Monday, December 11, 2006

a very highland christmas

Last night we had dueling religion potatoes (Lutheran versus Catholic), a giant ham, three kinds of punches, white elephant gifts, a dance party that began with Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" and ended with some table dancing to Rod Stewart, cookies thrown in the kitchen, cigarettes smoked in the garage, Jenga, the lottery block, arm-wrestling, a pregnancy test purchased at the dollar store, a dog, a child, tattoos drawn behind Chad's ear, an Elvis Christmas ornament spelunking in various crotches, someone pantomiming "Two parents shopping for wedding gifts for their pudgy vegan son," someone else Drunk Pictionary-ing "A man helping a sheep over a fence while the Brady Bunch watches," fighting over whether or not we should keep the baby, a small swan sculpted from leftover potatoes, cookie eyes on the kitchen floor, a nightgown found in a basement, and forty-five minutes for the videotape.

It may not have been last year, the highlights of which included burying a car in feet of snow, the shelf collapsing on someone's head, or a calendar of racist birds, but it was amazing in its own right.

Next semester we are throwing a party every month. Are you ready? BECAUSE IT IS GOING TO BE AWESOME.