Thursday, January 25, 2007

in other news

I guess I don't have any other news, but it's time to take down the last post. What a comment-gasm on that, huh? Even if half of them are from my own dog. Thanks for all the support.

Thanks also to the 220 VB gang, for hosting the second Wednesday night dinner party of the season. This morning I tried to put on the same pair of jeans I wore last night and immediately reeked of hot oil and cigarettes, and also something else that I suspect is red wine. Ah.

We have a new faucet that runs cold water in the kitchen, so not only are Pioneer Days over, but nearly two years to the day the cold water tap first broke at Highland, it's been fixed. Two years. You're impressive, Harley.

I'm feeling good about BER this year. I'm steadily prepping my little demonstrations for Thursday. We rented Bukowski.

And Truman has a little stuffed dog that he's been steadily, but softly, gumming for about a week now.

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...I don't remember you taking that. But it should be my author photo because if those books weren't there you'd probably see my boob hanging out of that shirt.

    Author photos should always have boobs.
