Monday, January 19, 2009


So last night, as I was changing the empty roll of toilet paper, I managed to drop the spindle (or whatever you call it) into the toilet. As the toilet was flushing.

I didn't really think it would be a problem, seeing as:

a) my toilet is on the second floor of a big old house with dubious water pressure
b) it sometimes backs up with just water and paper


c) the spindle is rigid plastic, wider than the hole in the toilet.

I was wrong. It got flushed. Disappeared. And now I'm not sure what to do next--do I call my landlord and offer a preemptive warning? Or do I just think, Huh, it's flushing fine this morning and not do anything and maybe just buy a new spindle and then pretend that one day, when it does overflow and the plumber/landlord snake the pipes and pull out the spindle, I have no idea how it got there?

Some people have real problems. I know.

Ed. note, 1.21: this broke the toilet and left me without one for four days. Moral of the story: STOP TRYING TO FRANTICALLY MULTITASK AND NEXT TIME WAIT UNTIL THE FLUSHING HAS CEASED TO CHANGE THE ROLL. OR JUST CLOSE THE LID, DUMBASS.



1 comment:

  1. Unreal. The same sort of thing happened to my house back in college. We had a party and a girl in my class did the exact same thing, with the same results---the disappearance of the spindle. Oddly enough, we never had any problems with the toilet backing up or anything. The toilet in question was also on the second story of an old home with dubious plumbing. Flash forward several months and after a routine flushing, I glanced down and the damn thing just sorta floated back up from the nether realm it had gone to. Hopefully your situations ends as easily and without too much ado.
