Tuesday, December 28, 2010

so this is christmas: midwest edition

Subtitle: So this is what happens when we forgo the Buffalo/East Coast roadtripping, and instead head over to Minnesota for some pre-Christmas pregaming, and we drink bourbon and Michelob Golden Draft Light, and we all take turns wearing a pair of black-framed glasses that make us look like James Wright, and we watch four hours of Music Choice television and make fun of every band's photo, and we eat cookies, and we meet a dog named Lenny that we are convinced talks shit in a Jersey accent and has Korea flashbacks, and we say PAAAAAAHNCAKES six thousand times in five hours, and then we drive up to Washburn for a few days, and then we drive home through Chicago and manage to avoid even a single snowstorm as the East Coast gets pounded.


  1. dude. you forgot the glasses.

    I made you PAHHHHHHHHNACKES! With olives! Ho, ho, ho!

  2. Well, I'm also sure we forgot the B's coat, so perhaps you get to mail a big package to us! And don't forget to include your world-famous pancakes made with olives, kosher salt, bay leaves, and spiiiiiiiiiiiiiders.

    ... we are morons.
