Tuesday, November 21, 2006

to do, tuesday

*wake from bad dream in which Labby still lives in basement
*grade twenty-five student poetry portfolios that I've been sitting on since Halloween
*order texts for next semester; go crazy wild and also order long-wanted Jones, Hempel, and Hicok titles
*admire pink-and-brown sticky notes purchased from Target
*clean up dog bile puke because dog is bulimic and will not eat for days in a row, then vomits bright yellow bile puke on hardwood floor of bedroom
*get mucho notes back from thesis advisor on a poem that I considered finished
*brainstorm salad to bring to Thanksgiving dinner; also, wander around wine store and pretend to be able to select decent wines
*burn cds for people to listen to en route to Yankton and Green Bay
*keep checking AV's blog and laughing at photo of a cute bunny splatted on slippery tile floor

1 comment:

  1. if you don't know what you're doing in a wine store, choose based on how you like the label and what the price is. usually a trendy label and a $6-$10 pricetag will get you something resembling fermented grapes.
